Middle Ages? Medieval Times? Dark Ages? We are currently looking at this often misconstrued time period and what life was like for people in Europe and the Middle East following the Fall of Rome. Before the new year, we looked at the Middle Ages in the Middle East and how the development of Islam affected the region. We saw how the Islamic Empire spread and thrived throughout this time period, and how many advances in technology and thought were made during this time. Students wrote self-guided magazine articles on a variety of topics covering hundreds of years ago to current events, and food items to medieval weaponry. Below are a few student examples: Now we are moving from the East to the West, and are currently looking at how feudal Europe develops in Rome's wake. Ask your son or daughter about who really had the power in feudal Europe and how those with the money are often those making the rules.
More to come soon! As always, feel free to contact me with any questions.
Course selection for high school is coming up! Even if your child is planning to attend a private school or is moving, all students will complete course selection and get placement recommendations for Shrewsbury High School.
Here are some important upcoming dates: February 7 - Math Placement Test February 8 & 9 - Foreign Language Placement Tests (French, Spanish, Chinese, Latin) February 12 - SHS Curriculum Night for Incoming Freshmen February 12 - SHS Program of Studies is distributed to students & course selection presentations to individual teams begin this week Week of March 12 - Online Course Registration begins on teams Curriculum update:
We've started a new unit in ELA that focuses on the concept of truth. Students are reading the book Nothing but the Truth, by Avi, and will be researching the question why is truth important in the media. We've been doing some introductory activities about current events surrounding "fake news." How you can help at home:
The 8 Blue TEamMs. Amaral - Social Studies Archives
May 2020
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