We have been learning about the distribution of natural non-renewable resources on our Planet. The students created a map of these resources with lots of information. Please click on the pins and see what we have learned. You can also compare the maps from each of the classes. Here is the link to B Block's map:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AtG24BQhAtE9w2PpYe4LzaKeno7RxH6w&usp=sharing Here is the link to L Block's map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QJ6rw9nzBXmObLmCa2HamITc4X0ePsBx&usp=sharing Here is the link to U Block's map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wCsa-lOMy_2zX51twAnVk7_tqsZzF8d1&usp=sharing Here is the link to E Block's map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QJ6rw9nzBXmObLmCa2HamITc4X0ePsBx&usp=sharing Enjoy!
Shakespeare Unit informationWe are starting our final unit of the year, the Shakespeare unit! During this unit, students will be reading and performing A Midsummer Night's Dream. We kicked off the unit with a birthday party for Shakespeare! During the birthday party, students participated in activities to gain background knowledge about Shakespeare, The Globe Theater, and the play. The essential questions of the unit are:
I've attached the unit overview, and a link to a really great version of the text that has modern English translations. If your son or daughter is struggling during the unit, please encourage them to check in with me during project block or after school. www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/msnd/
Ask your student about the physical and chemical changes that happen when a candle burns. We made observations before, during and after the candle was lit.
Now that trimester two is over, we are moving out of the Middle Ages and into the Early Modern Period of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Discovery. Students did an excellent job anticipating changes that might occur following the decline of the feudal system, and we were able to take a couple of days to examine Magna Carta and make parallels between it and some of our more modern documents that limit the powers of our leaders and give us basic rights.
This week, we started specifically looking at the Renaissance and reviewing Greco-Roman achievements to explain how this "re-birth" paved the way for the modern world. We spent some time with Petrarch and examining how the (often complicated for 8th grade) idea of humanism will affect this time period. I was really impressed with how well students are able to identify the new themes we are working with. Today, students are working on creating seals or logos for humanist thought. I can't wait to see the final products :) |
The 8 Blue TEamMs. Amaral - Social Studies Archives
May 2020
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