This week, our featured blogger is RAHUL KASIBHATLA! Rahul's blog, Journey to the Center of Sports, is about sports and travel. Here is an example of a post about his favorite player: I particularly like the strategies Rahul used to bring his blog to the next level, including the green screen interview video. Also, Rahul's sports posts go beyond just statistics and include his own analysis and predictions. Check out his blog here!
It was a pleasure to get to meet so many of you last night at Curriculum Night! In case you weren't able to attend, here is our presentation. As always, contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
It has been a busy start to the school year! After taking some time to get to know one another, we have begun to get into the curriculum. This year skills class is the last period of day.
You student may have mentioned that they are making tool kit cards for math class. These index cards will be a resource for the students for homework and classwork. These will replace procedural guides, if you student used those last year. As we begin new topics a new card will be made that will include an example. Please encourage you student to use the cards if they are having difficulty with their homework. I am looking forward to an exciting year with your student; please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. On Friday, 8 Blue students took on the role of Senators, Magistrates, and Assemblies to solve the issues of the Roman Republic. Consuls determined whether or not to send legions to the border to fight invading Gauls, Praetors and senators argued over money for new bath houses, and tribunes vetoed senate ideas that would not benefit the citizens of Rome. Ask your son or daughter about the difficulties of a three branch system with checks and balances - they definitely had strong opinions in class!
Blogger Spotlight Every week I will feature a new blogger who is going above and beyond with their blog. This week's featured blogger is... JORDAN JARVI!!!! Her blog, The Arts and Other Smarts, covers a broad range of topics, from books and music to wellness and general tips on life. I especially like her posts titled "How to be More Organized This School Year" and "How to be Proud of Who You Are." She offers great advice that we can all learn from. Here is Jordan's advice for what to do if you're having a bad day: Well done Jordan! Check out her blog, you'll be glad you did! Link to Jordan's blog: Ask your student how to zero and use the triple beam balance. This will be one of our science tools this year.
This has been an exciting week in ELA on 8 Blue! Students worked on defining their interests and passions and they created their own personal blogs! Here is why students are blogging this year: Students are blogging about things they are interested in. Some of the topics are dance, book reviews, music, sports analysis, and more. I believe that teaching students to write for different purposes and audiences is an important skill. This unit also is teaching students about creating a positive digital footprint and gives them practice writing in the "real world."
The students are so enthusiastic about this assignment! I am so excited to see these amazing blogs as the year goes on. Ask your son or daughter to see their blogs! They should have the basic template set up, and the first post should be in progress. Post one is due on Wednesday, September 21. |
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May 2020
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