Students from the honors math class have been working on demonstrations that show how to solve systems of linear equations. On Friday, they presented these lessons to the team in groups of 2-3 students. All students have been working on this standard and it was an opportunity for everyone to practice solving systems.
We've started our final major unit of the year, Shakespeare! The unit focuses on the essential question: should we still read Shakespeare today? Check out the unit overview for more information! Our next two units involve skills from all of our algebra units throughout the year. We are currently working in our systems of linear equations unit. Students will use their knowledge of linear equations from trimester one to find solutions of systems by graphing. They will continue to work on their equation solving skills from trimester two as they use algebra to solve systems by substitution and elimination. All students have an opportunity to improve the grade in the standard, “Solves equations and analyzes expressions that involve grouping symbols.”
Our last unit will take a look at exponential functions. This will be our first in depth look at nonlinear functions. Students will be encouraged to make comparisons between the properties of linear and nonlinear functions. During this unit students will create two projects and share them with the class. The choices include writing a children’s story, game, and trading cards. After school help continues to be available on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are busy getting ready for Display Day.
We hope to see you here between 1:50- 2:20 on Friday, May 25 to see what we have been doing this year! The past month we have been talking about chemical and physical change. Our final example has been human digestion of food. We looked at different parts of digestion and have identified what are examples of chemical change and examples of physical change. Each class prepared a set of slides to go with their research.
The 8 Blue TEamMs. Amaral - Social Studies Archives
May 2020
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