Our Energy Unit will be running a bit differently and I wanted to tell you about it. Hopefully your son or daughter has already shared with about how this unit is different. There will be some whole class instruction and assignments, but there is also a lot of choice. The unit is divided into several parts and there are points assigned to each piece of work the kids do. Each section has a required number of points and students must earn 1700 points to take the assessment. There are badges for detailed or creative work.
You may see that your student has not submitted an assignment, if it doesn't say required then it was a choice assignment. Don't worry. Below is the overview sheet given to the students and posted in Schoology. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you always for your support as we try something new. Stacey Militello
Things are thawing out in the Dark Ages and we will soon be moving into a rebirth in Western Europe - the Renaissance! Hopefully the rebirth of Spring comes just as soon in Shrewsbury :)
Students have been looking at events in England that kickstart the decline of the feudal system, the first one being the Magna Carta. Students looked closely at a difficult excerpt from the document to make parallels between the rights that the English were asking for in 1215 and some of the rights we are guaranteed in our Constitution. I was very impressed with the parallels that students were able to make on their own in group discussion without my guidance. We have a lot of young politicians on team! Recently, students worked on stop motion videos using a variety of materials to show the events in Europe that led up to the Norman Conquest of England. Some students used white boards for their doodles, some did it on various apps on their iPads, and some did it all by hand. Below is one example of the final product as well as two students working on their in class. They came out great! Ask your student how early English was formed as a result of the Norman Conquest! |
The 8 Blue TEamMs. Amaral - Social Studies Archives
May 2020
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